It is said, Fortune smiles on the bold…
Fortune exploded in unrestrained mirth when Gabriel shouted his introductory breath. Spewing her coffee she leaped in enthusiastic anticipation exclaiming, “The places we shall see together. The truths we shall discover,” She twirled in graceful dance with abandon.
Time smiled on the two thoughtfully. He knew…
Minah birds swore vociferously, excoriating young Gabriel as he leapt out of bed disrupting their predawn tranquility. Raucous avian chatter reprimanded him harshly like harpy moms castigating the referee at a little league game. It was 5:00 a.m., and he was hungry, first however he needed relief. He pulled the double hung window in his upstairs room farther up and sighed in release. The view through the wood frame window in the muted predawn light depicted a subtle masterpiece of rolling campestral splendor many attempt to capture on canvas and few achieve. His small remote island home sat on the lower Northern slopes of Kohala Mountain on Hawaii’s “Big Island” and it was a glorious morning. An audacious new day he murmured softly. He was in a good mood this morning, yet brooding disquiet tempered the moment. Why do I rarely feel one way about things he questioned? My existence is an unsettled treatise between feelings, opinions, predilections, and convictions. I’m expected to sort it? I’m six. Just let me have fun and do what I want! In one breathe you encourage me to be true to myself, and others, WE DISAGREE! Adults. They’re screwed up old children.
Loc is arriving today…

The cousins relationship was spirited, fun, and fiercely competitive. While he loved the attention of a single child, Gabriel also thrived on the camaraderie, and dynamic energy of other children. It seems relationships are replete with fates/kismets? neither child nor adult can resolve, he sighed. The sound of Mourning Doves cooing their familiar refrain brought a cynical smile to his eyes, “It’s OK, It’s OK, It’s OK. He picked up his “Hubba Bubba” bubble gum from the dresser and began down the stairs grabbing his backpack and hooking it over one shoulder as he descended.